Kevin Stelfox's Article in Finance
Personal Pensions – All you need to know about these helpful investments
Personal pensions are among the highly recommended investment options for you to stay happy and comfortable even during your days of retirement. In simple terms, these are nothing but savings done by the people in their youth so they can live happily when they retire. However, there is more to it than meets the eye?
Posted on Feb-07-2010
SIPP Pensions – A Quick Guide
SIPP is an abbreviation for Self Invested Personal Pensions. As the name implies, this is a pension plan where you are the contributor and the investor. Unlike the conventional and traditional pension plans, SIPP pensions offer you the benefit of doing your own investments. While this may seem to be a wise choice for many, remember there are many risks that come with the territory, especially if your knowledge of finances and investments is meager.
Posted on Feb-07-2010
Everything You Need To Know About Equity Release Schemes
The simplest explanation for an equity release scheme is a loan on your property. This “loan” is taken in lieu of the equity that you have on your house. The equity of a property is the amount actually owned by the owner, and not the financial institution financing it, or where the owner holds a mortgage. For simplicity’s sake, you can say it is the difference in the values of your house in today’s market, and the amount the home owner owes the bank.
Posted on Jan-20-2010