Karl L's Article in Alternative Medicine
Here Is The Story About Cysteine
Cysteine is the most important ingredient in the "oral chelation" formula.
Posted on Apr-21-2011
What Is A Fraudulent Taheebo Product?
"Taheebo" is the South American name for a tree. It grows in Brazil, Argentina and many other countries. The bark of this tree has been used for centuries by the natives of each of these countries -- used to treat all sorts of serious health problems, but particularly to treat cancer.
Posted on Apr-21-2011
Fibromyalgia - The Remedy!
I am rather bold to suggest that there is a total remedy to this hopeless disease! But, I think there is! It is NOT a pill! There is no magic bullet!
Posted on Apr-21-2011
"Endometriosis is the most common cause of pelvic pain there is. So if a woman has pelvic pain she should begin by assuming she probably has endometriosis. "
Posted on Apr-21-2011
Drink More Water
For real I do it myself. I would never have written this
material if I didn’t have the personal experience of starting
with a bit of more water than I would normally take.
Posted on Apr-21-2011
Diabetes, Diabetes
The prevalence of diabetes in adults once thought to be primarily a disease of middle age or older, jumped nearly 70% among people in their 30s in the last decade, a report says. Overall, diabetes increased 33% from 1990 to 1998, U.S. health officials say.
Posted on Apr-21-2011
Cholesterol is one of the most important substances in your body. The walls of cells are manufactured out of cholesterol. The cells are designed so that they can convert protein, amino acids, fat, fatty acids, carbohydrates and sugars -- all forms of food -- into cholesterol.
Posted on Apr-21-2011
Chemical Basis of Happiness - Psychiatric Approach to Drug Therapy
A large number of medical doctors, and others, make a terrible mistake when they believe that man arose from the mud -- from a sea of ammonia and some random movement of atoms. Once they believe this, they can then also believe that all our emotions are based on chemicals that run through the brain.
Posted on Apr-21-2011