Karan Agarwal's Article in Homeschooling

1086 Online Homeschool Programs for Desired Students
There is an amazing assortment of online homeschool programs on the Internet right now. The market has exploded in the last ten years. You have everything from supplemental information on CD-ROM's on individual subjects to full-blown schools located on the Web. There are programs to fit any need or budget.
Posted on Aug-26-2011

1177 Choose the Perfect Homeschool Programs
For a variety of reasons, many American families are choosing to homeschool their children these days. Reasons that your family may choose homeschooling include dissatisfaction with your local school system or assigned school, religious reasons, special needs of your child, or just personal preference. Whatever the reason you choose this path, there is a wide variety of homeschooling programs to choose from.
Posted on Aug-06-2011

1000 Choosing the Correct Homeschool Programs
For a variety of reasons, many American families are choosing to homeschool their children these days. Reasons that your family may choose homeschooling include dissatisfaction with your local school system or assigned school, religious reasons, special needs of your child, or just personal preference. Whatever the reason you choose this path, there is a wide variety of homeschooling programs to choose from.
Posted on Aug-06-2011