Kane Shelia Smithson's Article in Arts and Entertainment
Learn To Manage Your Time
It is said that most people's workweek is increasingly expanding and the free time is disappearing, not only the top executives but also the average person as well. Many specialists claim organization as the key to control time.
Posted on Dec-23-2010
Secrets To Be A Centenarian
In 2000, the United Nation found that there were more 180000 people over the age of 100 all over the world, and the number will increase to 3.2 million in 2050. The people are mainly growing quickly in developed countries.
Posted on Dec-07-2010
Simple Ways To Lose Weight
List three or four realistic goals which you could keep holding on. Dicard all the junk items in your house and buy fresh and health foods such as water and veggies.
Posted on Dec-04-2010