Joy Mali M's Article in Investing

1754 Free Credit Report Services for Better Financial Loans Online
Your credit history becomes the be all and end all of your financial reputation. And your ability to take out important loans for big, milestone purchases becomes dependent on how healthy your financial credibility is among relevant institutions.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

1287 Five Myths That Affect Credit Scores
Your credit history does not reflect that you pay every month. Lenders can only come to know about the date and balance on the card when the information was submitted to the credit-reporting agency.
Posted on Jan-11-2012

843 How Debt Settlement Affects Credit Report
The most effective way to bring down negative effects on your credit statement is to look for a company with a good track record in the debt settlement process. You can make this out by judging the way they treat clients
Posted on Jan-10-2012

804 Maintain Your Credit Limit and History for a Good Credit Score
Credit scores are calculated from various factors. The absence of credit history or a high credit to debt ratio is factors that can ruin credits scores and reports. An individual has to maintain them to survive in a challenging credit market.
Posted on Dec-05-2011

786 A Good Credit Score Is Vital for Qualifying for a Mortgage
Good scores are essential for acquiring a mortgage deal. Lenders look at scores to determine one’s worthiness. New graduates have to keep their history clean for elevating the scores.
Posted on Nov-24-2011

690 Free Credit Report Overview - for a Better Financing Position
A credit report furnishes your financial position and determines your financial decisions. For a healthy financial life, it is important to have a good credit report. Know how.
Posted on Nov-16-2011

572 Check Your Credit Report Online for Better Loans on Credit
Applying for a loan soon? Have you checked your credit report? Your credit report can decide your loan approval or the loan interest rates. Learn why you should check your credit report for better loans on credit.
Posted on Nov-07-2011