Jon Tanner's Article in Insurance

476 Tips for Truck Drivers Transporting High Risk Cargo
With every high risk, comes a high reward. With truck driving already being a very high risk for all drivers, many truck driving companies will not put forth the added liability of transporting high risk cargo with their trucks and drivers.
Posted on May-12-2010

481 Rest and Relaxation at the Best Truck Stops: Real Long Haul Truck Insurance for the Weary Driver
Big rig truck drivers, trucking company owners -- anyone who is involved with the trucking industry -- are the backbone of this country. The United States as we know it would collapse -- and catastrophically so within mere days -- without trucks and the men and women who own and operate them as they deliver the food and other goods vital to a stable society.
Posted on May-08-2010

648 The Best Commercial Trucking Insurance? A Rested, Alert Driver
What’s the number one threat to long distance truckers on the road? It’s not other drivers. It’s not unsafe speeds or rain or snow.
Posted on Jan-13-2010