Johnathan Silverstone's Article in Home Improvement
The Chinese Touch to Arrange Your Bedroom
If you have heard about Feng Shui then you should know that it is a Chinese principle that states: arrangements and positioning of your furniture in your room play a big part of the flow of Qi Energy. If you do a good job following meticulously the Feng Shui principle then you will certainly bring happiness, luck and fortune in your home, and it will benefit all your family.
Posted on Feb-24-2010
Tips to Become a Handyman at Home
In fact, you cannot abandon home maintenance. I realize that it is something fastidious and boring but that’s what you need to do to preserve the quality and the value of your home. Moreover, without home maintenance your home loses its value.
Posted on Feb-19-2010
Home Improvement - Do It Yourself Now
Most of us like our Home or at least, most of us want to improve the place where we are living. And you’re right, you get more comfort, and you add value to your house without doing too much work.
Posted on Mar-07-2010