John Stracy's Article in Legal

519 .Denver domestic violence defense
In the past, those from the Denver area who have been charged with domestic violence have found the assistance of a Denver domestic violence lawyer to be invaluable. The court system is often complicated with a maze of rules and procedures that may seem confusing if not intimidating to those encountering them for the first time. It is thus often helpful to contact a Denver domestic violence attorney.
Posted on Jan-28-2012

492 Defending domestic violence charges
Domestic violence refers to one member of a household uses abusive power to gain power over their partner. This can happen in households where both partners are married as well as in households were two intimate partners have chosen to live together. However, in their quest to prosecute domestic violence, the police and local authorities may charge people who have never been violent in their life.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

497 What is domestic violence?
If you or a loved one has been charged with domestic violence, the possible consequences may be severe. State and local governments aggressively prosecute supposed domestic violence crimes, even in cases where both spouses wish to drop the charges. Indeed, in many cases, the charges were filed in response to a heated argument where no physical contact happened. Unfortunately, police and prosecutors may not see it the same way.
Posted on Jan-24-2012