John Sarkis's Article in Reference and Education

643 Importance of Early Childhood Education
Research shows that child’s early years play an integral role in their brain’s development.
Posted on Nov-19-2019

646 Why Is Early Childhood Education Important?
When it comes to early childhood education, many parents are sceptical and confused about whether or not to enrol their child in an early childhood program
Posted on Oct-01-2019

785 Why Is Spending Time With Your Child Important?
As we live in a modern, fast-paced world, many of us don’t find time to spend time with our children.
Posted on Jul-29-2019

646 Is Preschool Better Than Staying at Home?
If you have children between the ages of 2 and 5, you know well that you have to make an important decision on whether or not to enrol them in child care.
Posted on Jul-01-2019

690 Tips to Help Your Children Express Their Feelings
Young children deal with many emotions as we do. They may get angry, sad, nervous, frustrated, embarrassed, and happy.
Posted on Jun-11-2019

721 How Do I Prepare My Child For Day Care?
Is your child entering child care program for the first time? The transition from being home to being in a child care setting can be hard for a toddler.
Posted on Jun-11-2019

796 Positive Impacts of Choosing a Child Care Centre in Five Dock
As per reports, in Australia, nearly two-thirds (571,830 or 64.8 %) of families are using approved child care for Long Day Care and around one-third (324,260 or 36.7 %) chose outside school hours care.
Posted on Apr-29-2019

751 Instil the Love of Learning in Your Child with the Pre-school Program
A study shows that the kids who attended pre-school programs exhibited better performance in the kindergarten than the kids who did not attend the pre-school program. The early childhood is the age in which your kid has more learning capabilities than you think.
Posted on Jan-17-2019

1036 Importance Of Educational Toys For A Child’s Development!
According to studies, learning through play is a vital part of a child’s development. Ensuring your child has sufficient time to play offers great benefits. Children realise some extra energy when they play. A child begins to find out who he is and his capabilities during play. This starts right during his infancy.
Posted on Jan-03-2019

870 Childcare Five Docks to help your Child Develop and Learn through Creativity and Fun!
Are you a working parent worried about leaving your child alone? Relax, there are child care centres Five Dock to care for your child every day. They appoint skilled staff who will treat your children in the best possible way.
Posted on Oct-27-2018

823 Do You Know The Role Of Childcare Centres In The Development Of Early Childhood?
Are you a working parent worrying about your child’s early education? No worries! Child care centres would be your lifesaver. Early learning centres do more than just a place taking care of your child.
Posted on Aug-09-2018

894 How to Choose an Ideal Child-Care Centre For Your Kid?
Raising children is presumably a crucial job since they will become the next generation. But, nowadays most parents look to contribute income from both sides, to stabilise their family, while some, make it a personal choice to combine work and home life.
Posted on Mar-12-2018