John Sarkis Dee Why Kindergarten's Article in K 12 Education

592 Tips for Preparing Your Preschooler for the First Day of School
The first day of school can be one of the most exciting or most terrifying days of your child’s life, depending on whether or not your child is prepared to go.
Posted on Oct-10-2022

361 Tips for Helping Your Toddler Develop Their Motor Skills
While you may not realise it, your toddler’s motor skills are growing every day from the time they’re born.
Posted on Jun-02-2022

432 Tips for Handling Toddler Tantrums after School
Toddler tantrums after school are common and normal, but it doesn’t mean you have to like them!
Posted on Apr-13-2022

668 Checklist to choose a Childcare for your kid!
Are you looking for a suitable early childhood centre for your little one and couldn’t find one after hours of research? Choosing the right childcare could be a tricky decision, and that accompanied by the anxiety of being away from your baby will prevent you from making a decision.
Posted on Jul-29-2020

678 Healthy Snack Ideas for Preschoolers
Parents of preschoolers often wonder if their kids are getting enough to eat at day-care. It is a common concern, and offering healthy snacks can help ensure that your kid is getting enough to eat when they are at the day care in Dee Why.
Posted on Sep-05-2019

916 How Do Parents Influence Their Children’s Eating Habits?
Children tend to learn everything from their home, and eating is no different. Yes, the way the parents talk about food, cook, and eat together are essential for developing healthy eating habits on a child. Have you ever wondered how your kid imitates you? Young buds watch and imitate adults and learn everything from their parents. Likewise, kids can also pick up on their parent’s attitudes about food. So, as a parent, it is your responsibility to make them eat healthy food.
Posted on Aug-01-2019

665 Child Abuse and Neglect - What Should You Expect From A Children's Centre?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines child abuse and child maltreatment as - "all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment
Posted on May-10-2019

961 Dance: A Constructive Outlet for Your Kid’s Creativity and a Positive Way to Express Themselves
Did you know? Dance is now a part of the Australian curriculum, which means every young person, will have the opportunity to experience dance and offers vast potential for developing creativity and innovation
Posted on Apr-04-2019

834 How to Choose the Best Child Care Centre in Dee Why?
Choosing the best day care centre is one of the most crucial decisions that a parent will have to make.
Posted on Oct-30-2018