Jo Parker's Article in Medicine
Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease without Dialysis
Generally, PKD (polycystic kidney disease) patients really have some knowledge about their disease. They know this is a kind of hereditary disease, which can not be cured forever, the best way for them is to control it well before it damage renal cells, because if renal function loose too much, maybe the final solution is dialysis for them. So the treatment for polycystic kidney disease is important if patients want to get rid of dialysis.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
How to Prevent Renal Failure
Renal Failure is the end stage of various kidney diseases. Normally, most of kidney diseases will progress into renal failure stage if no treatment is taken in an earlier stage. Traditionally, medications on blood pressure or proteinuria are offered by doctors to kidney disease patients according to the symptoms they are suffering from. However, there are still so many patients getting renal failure in their future life. Well than, is there a method to prevent renal failure occurring effectively
Posted on Feb-02-2012