Jimmimark's Article in Web Design

551 Web Designing Servcices and Patterns
The jeopardy of inapt use of UI design patterns are obvious than the advantages. Like any type of widespread guidance it is important that the limits and extent of design patterns are taken into description when make a decision whether to use them or not.
Posted on Feb-25-2010

584 Important Elements of a Website to gain more traffic
Text ads do better than banner ads for the reason that users are liable to mistake the text ad for a link to content insite your site.
Posted on Feb-25-2010

594 Professional Website Design and services
Wireframing is a speedy and trouble-free method used to display how all elements of a page will be put down . A distinctive wireframe will illustrate where things like the logo, header, navigation, body copy, footer, etc. will be placed on the screen compared to other elements.
Posted on Feb-25-2010

566 Website Designing Services India CSS Tutorial
This is an open source framework developed it accelerates the creation of Ajax applications. It also forwards support to important technologies such as Cold Fusion, ASP, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
Posted on Feb-25-2010