Jim Wheelin's Article in Reference and Education

639 Mold Life-long Learners by Teaching Math
Teaching math in most school settings often becomes a struggle by the time students enter third grade. Many students and parents shudder at the thought of math homework. If you could observe the same students in their preschool classroom, you'd most likely see excitement instead of dread.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

582 Making Transitions From Concrete to Abstract Supports Response to Intervention
The goal of an effective mathematics program is to enable each student to develop a strong foundation in number concepts, number sense, place value and basic math operations. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to providing the necessary support for every student to succeed.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

592 Online Math Games for Kindergarten Help Students Achieve Common Core State Standards
Kindergarten children come to school with varying degrees of readiness for learning number concepts. With the fairly short attention span of young children, keeping them engaged in learning experiences requires a teacher to approach the ideas
Posted on Jan-25-2012

627 How a Parent Can Be a Math Teacher for Younger Kids
As a parent, your role in your child's education is incredibly important. When you spend time teaching your child, you're laying the groundwork for a successful academic career. It's particularly important for parents to actively teach young children mathematics.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

701 Online Games Provide Interactive Math Help
Math can be a difficult subject to grasp, especially for young children who are trying to piece together basic concepts. Though some kids have a knack for numbers, many need a little extra math help to achieve the best possible performance at their grade level. One way you can offer that help is through the use of interactive online math games.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

599 Improving Performance With Math Games for First Graders
In today's public school system, students at each grade level are expected to reach common academic goals at specific times. But not every child can master new skills at the same rate, which can lead to frustration and poor school performance.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

649 Boosting Kindergarten Math Skills with Interactive Learning Games
For many years, digital learning games have been helping kids of all ages build new skills, grasp difficult concepts and improve their understanding of school curriculum. Young children find these games especially engaging, which can be useful when it comes to teaching kindergarten math.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

601 Finding Online Kindergarten Math Games That Can Help Struggling Students
When a child falls behind in math, it can be a frustrating experience for both kids and parents. This is particularly true during kindergarten classes. Most kindergarten classes introduce base 10 and maybe basic addition skills, but even so, kids can fall behind at this crucial early point.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

687 Online Games Help Kids Learn First Grade Math
Math is a subject that many kids have trouble with as they progress through school. It's essential that math basic skills be mastered early on, as these skills build the foundation for understanding harder concepts introduced in higher grades.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

622 How to Supplement an Elementary Math Intervention Program At Home
When a child struggles with mathematics, it's extremely important to use different instruction techniques as quickly as possible, particularly if the child is still in elementary school. When a child can't understand certain math concepts, he or she can quickly fall behind
Posted on Jan-25-2012

601 Using Differentiated Instruction Techniques to Teach Math to Young Kids At Home
Differentiated instruction techniques are becoming increasing popular in the United States and around the world, as they're an effective way to teach students of varying abilities essential subjects. Under a differentiated education plan, children are provided with various resources
Posted on Jan-25-2012

635 Online Math Games Support Implementation of Common Core State Standards
The common core state standards were developed jointly by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and National Governors Association for Best Practices (NGABP). In collaboration with teachers and education experts, the core standards provide a uniform set of expectations for education of K-12 students.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

591 Math Games Are Effective Tools for Adaptive Learning
Adaptive learning recognizes that each student learns at her own pace and in her own way. The role of the teacher is to support the student’s efforts so that all are able to reach their potential. This is a complex and challenging task
Posted on Jan-25-2012

661 Common Problems Kids Have In 3rd Grade Math and How to Fix Them
Third grade math can be difficult for some children, as they're expected to draw upon their experience from K-2 to tackle relatively complex math problems including multiplication and division. As a parent, you should work with your child during this crucial period in his or her education
Posted on Jan-25-2012

599 Tips for Teaching Math Effectively
If there's one thing that doesn't have an easy solution, it's teaching math to school-aged children. As any parent can attest, the methods that are being used in schools today are vastly different than the ones that were used a few decades ago.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

641 Online Math Games and Response to Intervention
To minimize the risk of having a student slip through the cracks, many schools and educators use the Response to Intervention approach with children who are struggling with mathematics.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

610 Online Math Games for Kindergarten: Choosing the Right Ones
These days, there are many online math games for kindergarten out there. You certainly don't have to deal with a limited number of options. If you're trying to find a math game that will truly challenge and benefit your child, however, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

593 How Online Math Games Can Be a Huge Help for Teachers
Elementary teachers have a lot on their plates. On the one hand, they are tasked with educating dozens of students over the course of a school year. On the other, they have to adhere to a rigid curriculum and ensure that every student comes away with the ability to meet or exceed specific state standards.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

594 Provide Great Math Help with Online Games
Even the best and most talented teachers in the world could use a little extra help from time to time. Luckily, more help is available these days than ever. That's mostly because of computer technology, which is providing many exciting benefits for teachers, students and parents.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

658 The Advantages of Math Games for First Graders
In order to provide the most worthwhile educational opportunities to first grade students, it's smart to explore all of the available options. These days, most schools incorporate the Internet into at least a few popular subjects. One subject that may be overlooked is math.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

615 Set the Stage for Success with Kindergarten Math
For many children, kindergarten offers their first real introduction to mathematical concepts. At this critical age, there's a lot to be learned. However, children are like sponges at this age, so it pays to introduce as many concepts to them as possible.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

623 Help Your Child Excel with Kindergarten Math Games
Whether your child is still in preschool or already attending kindergarten, there are plenty of advantages to introducing him to high-quality online kindergarten math games.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

620 The Benefits of Online First Grade Math Games
During the first grade, your child will learn a wide range of fundamental math concepts that will set the stage for his future success with the subject. By providing a little extra help and guidance, you can dramatically increase your child's odds of becoming truly proficient in all aspects of mathematics. Well-designed online first grade math games can go a long way towards helping your child achieve remarkable success.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

600 Elementary Math Intervention Program and Online Math Games
In addition to helping students achieve great success, elementary schools have to help keep them from getting lost in the shuffle. Out of all of the subjects that are taught in modern classrooms, math tends to be the one that causes the most problems.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

395 Differentiated Instruction through High-Quality Online Math Games
If you're looking for unique and worthwhile ways to enhance the math lessons that you teach, you're in luck. Thanks to the Internet, it's easier for teachers to bring more value to the curriculum than ever. One increasingly popular option is the use of online math games
Posted on Jan-04-2012