Jim Cochran's Article in Marketing

753 Managing Marketing Clients’ Expectations: It’s About Trust
Working as a marketing consultant is as much about finessing the client relationship as it is about developing effective marketing campaigns. Your business’s survival depends on customer satisfaction, so earning and keeping your client’s trust is a big part of your job.
Posted on Feb-09-2010

741 Lessons Learned: Building on Success with Marketing Post-Project Reviews
In business as in life, learning from our mistakes and successes is the best way to improve. As marketing consultants, the most informative feedback comes from our clients. That’s why formal project reviews are one of the best ways for marketing consultants to get better at what they do.
Posted on Feb-09-2010

718 Management Consulting Project Review: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
As is true with any profession, management consultants get better at their jobs with time and experience. That’s particularly true for consultants who make a point of conducting project assessments, gathering their clients’ feedback at the end of a project, and then using that feedback to ensure improved performance on future engagements.
Posted on Feb-09-2010

679 Key Word in Managing Customer Expectations: Communication
As a management consultant, you know that customer satisfaction and your business reputation are closely linked. If your consulting engagement misses the mark – or even if your client just perceives it that way – your future business prospects are on the line.
Posted on Feb-09-2010

785 Project Timelines for Marketing Engagement: Keep It Realistic
As a marketing consultant, you know that timing is everything. To keep your consulting engagements on track, you need a good project management strategy, centered on a solid project timeline. But as many marketing consultants know from experience, developing and adhering to a timeline can be tough.
Posted on Nov-17-2009