Jim Cochran's Article in Internet Business

675 Placing Temporary Personnel with a Client? You Need a Staffing Contract
Placing personnel at a client company to perform IT services can be a great solution for everyone involved. Your people get work, you get income, and your client gets the service it needs without the expense of hiring a full-time employee.
Posted on Oct-09-2009

10489 Got Subcontractors? Protect Your Interests with a Subcontractor Agreement
It’s hard to find a talented independent contractor you can trust to represent your company when working with a client. Once you do find a good one, however, it's a person that you want to keep on your team for future projects. The downside is, your favorite independent contractor is more than likely someone that your clients would love to have on their team – and in the absence of a subcontractor contract, they could very well hire your best contractor away.
Posted on Sep-28-2009