A Management Consultant’s Guide to Errors Omissions Insurance
If you’re in the business of management consulting, you know that plenty can go wrong over the course of an engagement. Whether you actually make an error in judgment or things go awry due to events beyond your control, you’re at risk of a lawsuit if your client isn’t happy.
Posted on Aug-05-2010
Errors & Omissions Insurance Policy Exclusions – Understand Your Liability Coverage
Errors and omissions insurance, also known as professional liability or E&O insurance, is designed to protect you against a client's claim of negligent acts, omissions or errors you make while performing professional services.
Posted on Jul-21-2010
Early Cancellation of Errors & Omissions Insurance Policies – What to Expect
If you’re thinking about canceling your errors & omissions insurance policy before the end of the one-year term, it pays to understand how much of a refund or "return premium" to expect. The return premium is the amount of the insurance premium that was not used or "earned."
Posted on Jul-12-2010
Can I Change My Business Insurance or Professional Liability Insurance Limits as my Needs Change?
Many small business owners purchase higher limits on their errors & omissions insurance because their client contracts require it. But what about when those contracts expire? Is it a good idea to save a little money by reducing your professional liability policy limits? Or, what if you already have coverage, but a new contract requires a higher policy limit? Can you increase coverage in the middle of the annual policy term?
Posted on Jul-02-2010
Understand the Exclusions of Your General Liability Insurance Policy Don’t Be Left Uncovered
There’s a lot of peace of mind that comes from knowing your small business is insured. But it is important to understand your business's risks and what the various types of business liability insurance are intended to cover.
Posted on Jun-24-2010
Understand the Exclusions of Your General Liability Insurance Policy – Don’t Be Left Uncovered
There’s a lot of peace of mind that comes from knowing your small business is insured. But it is important to understand your business's risks and what the various types of business liability insurance are intended to cover.
Posted on Jun-24-2010
Business Interruption Insurance Keeps Your Small Business Running During a Disaster
It’s a small-business-owner’s worst nightmare: a fire or natural disaster wipes out your business’ headquarters, leaving you and your team with no computers, no office equipment and nowhere to work. Although the right property insurance policy would cover the physical losses and damage to your small business, getting back to serving your customers will take additional time and money.
Posted on Jun-24-2010
Errors and Omissions Q & A – Answers from a Liability Insurance Professional
If you’re an independent systems integrator or custom programmer, you’ve probably heard about errors and omissions (E&O) coverage. It’s one of the most important types of insurance for any small business, and it’s often required by client contracts.
Posted on Jun-09-2010
Lapsing E&O Insurance Coverage – How to Keep Continuous Liability Insurance Coverage
If you’ve decided to purchase professional liability insurance, you know the value of protecting your business against claims of professional negligence. But it’s also critically important to understand the reasons why, as long as you’re in business, you should never let your policy lapse.
Posted on May-27-2010
How to Determine if a Business Risk is Insurable or Not
Business insurance is designed to protect your IT company against risk, or the likelihood of a loss. But it’s important to understand that even the most comprehensive insurance policies don’t cover every type of risk, and don’t offer unlimited compensation in the event of a claim.
Posted on May-19-2010
Project Timelines for Marketing Engagements: Keep It Realistic
As a marketing consultant, you know that timing is everything. To keep your consulting engagements on track, you need a good project management strategy centered around a solid project timeline. But as many marketing consultants know from experience, developing and adhering to a timeline can be tough.
Posted on Oct-19-2009
Creating an IT Project Timeline You Can Stick To
Developing a project timeline is a cornerstone of any project management strategy. But as many IT project managers have learned, developing and adhering to a timeline isn’t easy. From technical glitches to human resource problems, unexpected complications can pop up at any time, quickly throwing an IT project off-track.
Posted on Oct-08-2009
Control Your IT Projects by Creating Timelines
The project timeline is a cornerstone of project management. But as most system integrators and computer/software programmers know, developing and sticking to a timeline can be easier said than done. From technical issues to personnel problems, unexpected complications can arise at any time, throwing an IT project team off-schedule.
Posted on Sep-29-2009
Creating Project Agreements for Your Custom Programming Jobs
Before engaging in a formal business relationship, system integrators and custom computer/software programmers need to protect their business interests with appropriate legal contracts. During the initial stages of project development, IT professionals often keep informal records by hanging on to e-mails sent back and forth with the customer.
Posted on Sep-21-2009
Got Marketing Clients? You Need Project Agreements
Before beginning work on any consulting engagement, it’s a good idea for marketing consultants to protect their business and reduce their liability by getting their client’s signature on a comprehensive marketing consulting contract.
Posted on Sep-10-2009
Smart IT Project Managers Get It in Writing
Before establishing a formal business relationship, wise IT project managers protect their business interests with appropriate legal contracts. During the initial stages of project development, IT professionals often rely on informal records based on e-mails sent back and forth with the client.
Posted on Sep-10-2009
Contracts Protect Management Consultants from Liability
Before beginning work on a consulting engagement, smart management consultants protect their business interests and reduce their liability with legally binding contracts, signed by their clients.
Posted on Sep-01-2009
Why Architects Have Specific Insurance Requirements
If you’re working in the architecture field, you’ve probably run into situations in which a client requires you to carry liability insurance. Maybe you run a small architecture firm with a few employees, or perhaps you’re a solo architect, draftsman or designer.
Posted on Aug-13-2009
Tips on Creating Successful Marketing Projects for Your Clients
More than ever before, companies are hiring marketing consulting businesses with one important criterion in mind: “How can this marketing consultant help me get the most out of my marketing dollars?”
Posted on Aug-12-2009
Creating Programming Projects Based on Customers’ Needs
Behind almost every IT project is a business requirement – but how do you ensure that the end product truly meets that business need?
Posted on Jul-16-2009
Turn Your Customer’s Needs into Successful IT Projects
Every IT project is driven by a business requirement. For an IT project manager, the hard part is translating that business requirement into an end product that fully meets that business need.
Posted on Jul-16-2009