Jim Cochran's Article in Finance

744 Ongoing Quality Testing Cuts IT Project Management Risks
Because risk management and IT project management go hand-in-hand, experienced IT project managers never start a project without a risk-management strategy in mind. Often, at the heart of that strategy is a strong focus on quality control.
Posted on Jan-15-2010

753 With Systems Integration or Programming Projects, an Informed Client Is a Happy Client
When it’s your job as the systems integrator or custom programmer to make sure that a project stays on track, your reputation – and future business prospects – are on the line. No client wants to hire a consultant, only to be surprised to learn months later that the project is over budget, beset by technical problems or plagued by unexpected delays.
Posted on Jan-09-2010

899 Media Liability Insurance
As technologies advance, so grow new liabilities. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of creating, storing, sharing and transmitting electronic information. Previously, only the publishing and broadcast media industries needed to be largely concerned with liabilities related to copyright infringement, libel, slander and defamation.
Posted on Dec-13-2009

553 Reduce the Risk of Working with Subcontracted Marketing Consultants
For some projects, a marketing consultant may need outside expertise or just an extra hand to get the job done. For engagements like these, hiring a subcontracted marketing consultant to assist with the project can help you meet your deadlines without having to bring a full-time employee on board.
Posted on Nov-04-2009

659 Protect Your Interests When Hiring Subcontract Management Consultants
In an ideal world, management consultants would be able to do it all. But in reality, no one can be in two places at one time. For some engagements, it makes good business sense to hire a subcontracted management consultant to assist with specific aspects of the project.
Posted on Oct-29-2009