Jim Cochran's Article in Business

362 Using Employment Contracts is Not Taboo They are Vital to Small Business Success
To keep a competitive edge, there are certain valuable assets that your IT company needs to protect at all costs. One of the most critical is your relationship with your employees. That’s why many companies now make employment contracts a standard part of their interviewing and hiring processes for all levels of employees, from executives to entry-level workers.
Posted on Oct-15-2010

753 Hiring a Contractor? Get the Necessary Paperwork Drafted Signed
If you’re planning on using a subcontractor to perform IT work for one of your clients, you’ve got a lot at stake. Even if you carefully screen your subcontractor for experience and client references, if he makes even one critical mistake on the job, your client relationship and reputation are at risk.
Posted on Sep-29-2010

718 Are Customized IT Contracts Worth the Trouble? Absolutely!
So you’ve got a new client, contractor, or employee, and you need a contract to protect your business interests. But how to create an IT contract? Do you hire an attorney to craft a contract from scratch? Often this can prove to be too costly, especially for smaller companies.
Posted on Sep-16-2010