Jeremy Palmer's Article in Business
Business carbon footprint calculator
Just like leaving footprints while walking in the sand, every individual or business exert a certain influence on the environment's health.
Posted on May-12-2011
The Green Economy Hiring a Carbon Offset Company
Greenhouse gasses are the biggest contributors to the destruction of the ozone layer. Drastic climate changes being seen all over the world are a direct effect of rising levels of carbon emissions being emitted from energy generation and utilization.
Posted on May-12-2011
A Quick Look into the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme
The CRC energy efficiency scheme was developed to help curb carbon emissions not covered by existing laws in the UK.
Posted on May-12-2011
The Need for Business Carbon Offsetting
Green and sustainability, this is fast becoming the focus of many corporations and business. Carbon offsetting offers these businesses an opportunity to cut their carbon emissions.
Posted on May-12-2011