Jennifer Butler's Article in Health and Fitness

336 Medical and At-Home Neck Pain Treatments
Many causes can contribute to a “pain in the neck,” and depending on the reason for the condition, there are numerous types of neck pain treatment, Ruptured Discs
Posted on Jun-18-2011

346 Can Neck Pain be Diagnosed Fully with the Help of Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI and CT Scan?
When you see a doctor for neck pain expecting diagnosis, you may want to know about the methods of looking at your upper spine, neck and shoulder.
Posted on Jun-18-2011

282 How a Qualified Physician can Diagnose Back Pain in Minutes?
Getting an accurate back pain diagnosis can greatly improve your lifestyle and help you move on to treatment of back pain.When your pain has exceeded three months, it is termed chronic, and this means that it is not responding to basic treatments such as rest, anti-inflammatory medications and heat and there must be a problem that needs addressing.
Posted on Jun-18-2011

302 Spinal Pain- Follow a Plan for Spinal Pain Relief
Spinal pain relief can be found with a good diagnosis, an excellent physician who listens and prescribes treatment and proper following of the recommended plan.
Posted on Jun-18-2011

335 Back Pain Relief -A Physician will surely help you Diagnose it Earlier.
Back pain relief is imperative for living a healthy lifestyle. Whether it is lower back pain, middle back pain or upper back and shoulder pain, imbalance is created and can be a huge detriment to one’s life.
Posted on Jun-18-2011

644 What is a Herniated disc?
When some people hear the term “herniated disc,” they wince in pain. For anyone that has ever had this condition, they can relate to the pain that can be incurred when this happens.
Posted on Apr-15-2011

782 What is a Herniated disk and how do I treat it?
You may have a herniated disk, but you are not alone and you do have effective treatments to pursue. Eighty to ninety percent of people with an acute lumbar (lower back) disk herniation will improve without surgery.
Posted on Apr-01-2011

669 What’s the difference between Traditional Spine Surgery and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
With advances in medicine that are made every year, spinal surgery is becoming much less of a risk to people with back pain.
Posted on Apr-01-2011

469 What Causes Spine pain?
Spine pain can almost be a misnomer, as much of the pain that is caused in the spine can be felt in other areas of the body, called “referred pain”.
Posted on Apr-01-2011

727 How to Choose an Orthopedic doctor
Knowing how to choose an orthopedic doctor can put you in a challenging position if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Posted on Apr-01-2011

578 Spine doctor - How to choose
Choosing a spine doctor should be a thorough, planned effort. When you have pain that is debilitating and your general practitioner or internal medicine physician can no longer address it, its time to find a specialist.
Posted on Apr-01-2011

889 Types of Spine surgery
Spine surgery is not as serious of an option for back and leg pain anymore. Today’s minimally invasive techniques can make as small of an incision as a half inch, with recovery time practically overnight as opposed to some of the procedures offered in the past.
Posted on Apr-01-2011