Jayden Baldwin's Article in Home Improvement

280 Use Custom Wall Plates To Rid Yourself of Messy Cable Problems
Are you sick of cables trailing across your home or your office? They can make your surroundings look ugly and chaotic, but more importantly, they can be a serious danger. By investing in custom wall plates, you could be finding the solution to your problem.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

287 Your Dirty Carpets Could Be Seriously Damaging Your Health
Most people consider carpet cleaning as a luxury once a year treat where a machine is used to give our carpets a fresh and new look. However, due to scientific findings that reveal how unclean carpets can affect a person's health, we should really be treating carpet cleaning as a basic household chore completed at least once a month. Hoovering alone will not eliminate the dirt, germs and bacteria that lurk beneath the carpets.
Posted on Jan-27-2012