Jamie O'steen's Article in Beauty

1024 Benefits of Far Infrared Saunas
In today’s stressed out and time-starved world, the benefits of a sauna are endless. With hectic schedules, odd hours, unhealthy diets and lack of time, the working generation suffers from stress and other related complications like obesity, heart disease
Posted on Jan-27-2015

1014 Benefits of a Day Spa
We all like and deserved to be pampered. With our stressful lifestyle and hectic schedules, it has become almost impossible to make time to pamper ourselves at home.
Posted on Jan-27-2015

823 Opting for a Spray Tan versus Time under the Sun
In case you’re tired of having pale freckled skin and want to get yourself a deeper glow, tanning is the perfect way to go.
Posted on Jan-05-2015

860 Make the Most of your Time in the Far Infrared Sauna
Stressed individuals often find themselves seeking innovative ways for relaxation when they have to get back on track with their work and home responsibilities. While some try power yoga, tai chi or spin class, there are others who treat themselves to some quality time at a day spa.
Posted on Jan-04-2015