James Hopkin's Article in Exercise

1580 When Stretching Is A Bad Idea
The cool weather is upon us and the urge to stay cuddled-up warm and cozy under the covers can be pretty strong. But this is the time of year many try to start anew with resolutions to get in shape and lose weight.
Posted on Dec-22-2011

1256 The 3 Best Exercises For Your Abs & Back!
The weather is getting cooler, people are becoming more active, PF Chang’s marathon is approaching and lots of people are trying to accomplish a goal of completing a marathon or half-marathon while getting in the best shape of their lives
Posted on Mar-18-2011

999 Back Pain Treatment at Affordable Price
Specialists offer cost effective back pain treatment to those suffering from back pain. These treatments are beneficial in regaining physical fitness and relief from back pain symptoms.
Posted on Feb-15-2011