Jack Crunk's Article in Sales

654 License Forms: A Preamble
These forms are used when permission for doing a particular task is sought from any authority, or if anyone wants to get some work done by other person he use to gives a license to the particular person.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

699 A Preface to Liability Form
liability form is a written declaration given by an individual that he himself is responsible for any damage or injury or even death caused to him by taking part in any event or activity.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

618 A Preface to Liability Forms
liability form is a written declaration given by an individual that he himself is responsible for any damage or injury or even death caused to him by taking part in any event or activity.
Posted on Sep-30-2011

558 Inventory Forms: A Prelude
Inventory form is a list of belongings of any business or an individual. The main objective of these forms is to record all the items which are in possession of a firm or individual, these items can be of different nature.
Posted on Sep-30-2011