Himanshu Kumar's Article in Marketing

1142 Hot Strategies To Succeed In Food Marketing
Marketing of food products is not easy for companies coming in the market. Though, the demand for processed food items has increased tremendously in market but nascent companies face challenge in convincing the consumers.
Posted on May-26-2015

1130 Importance Of Food Marketing For Increasing Sales
Established companies have acquired a huge reputation among the consumers in the market. This is why the new companies need to establish reputation in the market. It should impress and promote product to the consumers in the market.
Posted on Apr-14-2015

Packaging preferences should in the future rely more on wastage reduction, and recycling of packaging material. Millions of tons of food are wasted every year throughout the world.
Posted on Mar-24-2015

1136 What are the Importance Of Food Packaging Designing For A Company
The demand for beverages has increased tremendously in the market these days. The people like to get fresh and enjoy during the party drinking beverages. Several companies are coming up in the market to promote and sell the products to the consumers.
Posted on Mar-10-2015

1062 How Food Branding Improves Identity And Sales Of Product?
People like to drink beverage products available in the market. New products are coming out in the market for the consumers through established companies. But, new beverage companies are facing lots of problems in meeting the challenges from established companies. New companies are facing challenges while convincing consumers to buy their products.
Posted on Feb-10-2015

853 How Food Packaging Designing Influences Sales Of Product?
Beverage has become an important part of food items these days. Everybody likes to drink beverage to during party or to enjoy with friends. It refreshes the body and provides energy required in body. Numerous beverage companies are coming in the market to promote and sell their products.
Posted on Jan-13-2015

837 How Food Companies Can Increase Sales In Market?
Food and beverage industry is growing rapidly in the market of today. Numerous companies are manufacturing their beverages to sell in the market. But, a stiff competition has arisen in the market to promote their product to customers.
Posted on Dec-16-2014

1174 How food packaging design affects sale in market?
A company needs to promote product in online media to reach to larger masses. But, it is easy to reach to connect to potential customers in the market. Special strategies are needed by a company to establish a strong relationship with the consumers.
Posted on Nov-26-2014

820 Why food packaging designing is essential for companies?
Food and beverage companies are coming up rapidly in the market. Beverages are being enjoyed by consumers to get refreshed. But, numerous brands have come up leading to wide competition among the companies.
Posted on Nov-18-2014

765 How food packaging designing is first step to succeed in marketing?
Numerous food and beverage industries have come up in the market. Beverage has become an important item for refreshing the body and drank widely by people. The food and beverage industries are facing a tough competition due to coming of large number of companies with the same product.
Posted on Nov-12-2014

1466 How food packaging designing influence marketing of products?
People are taking beverage for refreshing and get the special supplement in their body. Numerous food and beverage companies have come up in the market to promote and sale the product.
Posted on Nov-06-2014

806 How Design of a Packet Improves Sale?
Beverage is an important drink prefer by the people to get refreshed. This has become an import food item for the people to drink.
Posted on Oct-24-2014