Heather Preston1's Article in Business

232 FAQs For Suing the Government
The 10 faqs about suing the federal government
Posted on Dec-22-2011

307 Differential Diagnosis and Military Medical Malpractice
Medical negligence is when the healthcare provider deviates from the reasonable standard of medical care and as a result of the deviation, the patient is injured or dies. Should this be the case, the healthcare provider may be held liable for medical malpractice.
Posted on Nov-28-2011

582 Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury: Funding Your Baby’s Medical Expenses
If medical intervention was either delayed or not given at all despite abnormal patterns and your child suffered a brain injury or cerebral palsy as a result, it is time to speak with an attorney to see if your family is entitled to compensation for the medical expenses that you will incur as a result of your child’s condition. Archuleta, Alsaffar & Higginbotham handles all types of military medical malpractice cases arising from Military and VA Veterans Administration medical care.
Posted on Aug-09-2011