Goodie55's Article in Beauty
Laser Away | Laser Hair Removal
There are countless reasons why people get tattoos— to commemorate a day, an event, a memory, or a favorite song; to celebrate a person’s birth or death; to define a personality or a lifestyle; or for no reason at all. The possibilities for getting tattoos are endless, and so it follows that the reasons for getting them removed are endless as well, as favorite songs, personalities, and lifestyles change. LaserAway offers tattoo removal for those in the Greater Los Angeles area who have decided t
Posted on Feb-02-2010
Laser Away | LA Tattoo Removal
With the summer months approaching, more and more people (men and women alike) are turning their attention to laser hair removal. Unwanted hair, no matter where it occurs, can be unpleasant, embarrassing, uncomfortable, and difficult to get rid of. With so many options available on the market however, questions are bound to arise. Most people who research laser hair removal come up with the same question: what is the safest, longest-lasting, and most affordable hair removal system available to m
Posted on Feb-02-2010