Glyn Jonesee's Article in Business

360 Some common mistakes with access audits
An access audit provides you with a snapshot of the provision for access there is in place at your premises to support people with disabilities. It usually includes a physical inspection of your buildings/environment and/or service and an evaluation of your current provision
Posted on Aug-11-2011

333 The need of access statement
Mostly all of us look out for the comfort feature in the building and will monitor its interior to rate it but there is another individualist class that is physically disabled or impaired.
Posted on Jul-22-2011

693 Adding convenience feature to the buildings with access audit
If you are seeking an approval for your building designs consult Proudlock Associates. They deliver top quality access statements, access audits and disability consultant services. They have very experienced access consultants. They help you in meeting your duties under Equality Act 2010.
Posted on Apr-29-2011

393 Improve work place accessibility for the disabled
Accessibility is about improving access to services, materials and facilities for disabled people. By properly planning accessibility at your organization,
Posted on Mar-19-2011