Frank Litke's Article in Health and Fitness
What Are The Causes of Constipation?
One of the first things that a person who suffers from constipation asks is what causes the problem. The simple answer is that any changes that you make might be one of the causes of constipation. The more complicated answer is that almost anything might lead to the problem.
Posted on Feb-03-2013
Get Constipation Relief Fast
Before you decide to look for constipation relief, you should decide if you have a problem. Not everyone that thinks they suffer from constipation actually do. You do not need to have a bowel movement every day.
Posted on Feb-03-2013
How Do I Know if I Have Constipation Symptoms?
You might suffer from constipation symptoms or simply have an off day. It is entirely possible that you have two bowel movements one day, no bowel movements the next, and then only one bowel movement the following day.
Posted on Feb-03-2013
What Is Chronic Constipation?
Constipation is a one-time problem that occurs for one week or less. Some suffer from constipation more regularly, which is when chronic constipation comes into play. The problem is also referred to as severe constipation.
Posted on Feb-03-2013
What You Need To Know About Constipation
Almost every person in the world suffers from a bout of constipation at least once in their life and many suffer from the problem once a year. By learning more about constipation, including how to fix the problem, you can alleviate your symptoms.
Posted on Feb-02-2013