Does your home insurance cover flood and storm damage?
Most home insurance policies will cover you against the cost of flood and storm damage.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Maintaning your home
To get a mortgage you will normally at least need buildings insurance to protect you from financial losses if the house itself is destroyed or damaged, but you would need full home insurance including contents insurance to cover your belongings as well.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Insurance for people who rent their homes
Your landlord will probably have buildings insurance to cover the actual building that you rent. You need to insure anything of yours that you keep in the property with a separate contents insurance policy.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Reducing the cost of home insurance
If you want to pay less for your home insurance, as a minimum your mortgage provider will still require you to have buildings insurance to cover the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Insuring your home
There are many home insurance products available, and it is important to consider your needs before just going for the cheapest possible deal.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Home insurance and house fires
All of us dread house fires, and even if not deadly the effects can be devastating. You must have home insurance to repair or reconstruct your house if it is destroyed or damaged by a fire, but of course the worst costs of fire could be injuries or even deaths.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Home Insurance, Buildings Insurance Explained
Buildings insurance is a type of home insurance. If your home is destroyed or made uninhabitable by vandalism, storm, flood or fire then your financial losses would be covered if you have buildings insurance.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Home insurance:different types of cover
Buildings and contents insurance are both types of home insurance.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Why do I need Contents Insurance?
Contents insurance is a type of home insurance. Your belongings that are not actually a part of the physical structure of your house are not protected by buildings insurance, which is usually compulsory if you need to take out a mortgage.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
How burglaries affect your home insurance
It is virtually impossible to make your home completely burglar proof, but there are many things that you can do to reduce the likelihood that you will be targeted.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Where to buy your next second hand car
There are many different approaches to buying a second hand car, such as buying from an independent dealership or attending an auction.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
What type of used car is right for you?
Before buying a used car, you should consider what you will be using it for.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Tips for improving your car security
The past ten years have seen a dramatic reduction in car crime.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Motorway driving tips
Motorway driving tips
If you want to keep your car insurance premiums down, one of the best ways to go about it is to drive defensively, thereby reducing your risk of being involved in an accident.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
The cheapskate guide to home security
One of the best ways to improve your home security and bring down your home insurance premium is to install an alarm system.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Home security on a shoestring
One of the best ways to improve your home security and bring down your home insurance premium is to install an alarm system.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
What type of water damage does my home insurance policy cover me for?
Water damage can affect your home in a number of unpleasant, and sometimes expensive ways.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
How to claim on your home insurance policy
If your home has sustained damage or been burgled, then the first thing you have to do is notify the insurance company, and the police if necessary.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Keeping your motor insurance costs down in five easy steps
One of the most expensive aspects of vehicle ownership is the cost of insurance.
Posted on Jul-09-2009