Footloose Clinic's Article in Health and Fitness
Biomechanics Make It Easy To Cure Your Ills
There are many conditions which can affect your feet, ranging from the relatively trivial and easy to treat, like verrucaes, to more complex problems such as toe deformities and ingrown toe nails.
Posted on Nov-20-2011
Reflexology: The Relaxing Way To Good Health
There are many medical treatments which are designed to treat a very narrow and specific range of conditions, and then there are those which aim to induce a more general feeling of well being, tranquillity and relaxation.
Posted on Nov-03-2011
When Your Bunion Operation Really Can’t Wait
There are many different conditions which can affect a person’s foot, ranging from the mildly inconvenient to the severely disabling, and, if you develop bunions you’ll soon realise just how serious a condition they can be.
Posted on Oct-17-2011
Don’t Delay Vital Ankle Surgery
If you suffer from pain in your feet, or one of the many conditions which can limit mobility and bring about severe discomfort, then it’s vital that you visit a foot clinic at the earliest possible opportunity.
Posted on Oct-06-2011
The Best Scottish Chiropody and Podiatry at The Foot Clinic Fulham
The Foot Clinic, Fulham, is a state of the art chiropody clinic fully equipped to deal with any of the problems which people are likely to find afflicting their feet. Our combination of excellence, state of the art equipment and highly trained, passionate medics.
Posted on Sep-13-2011
Don’t Neglect Your Toe Nails
Diseased or infected toe nails can be extremely painful and require urgent nail surgery. Neglecting a nail in the early stages of a condition could lead to much more serious infection which could, in turn, mean time spent off your feet and in great discomfort.
Posted on Sep-01-2011
The Best Foot Clinic In London
It’s easy to neglect your feet, but the consequences of doing so can be both painful and serious. That’s why Footloose chiropody clinic, Fulham, is somewhere that anyone who’s serious about taking good care of themselves ought to visit.
Posted on Aug-25-2011