Fabiola Castillo's Article in Health and Fitness

652 Weight loss supplements that guarantee fast results
“Weight” is a word that bothers almost everyone these days. Everyone is conscious of their physical appearance. Due to the vast spread and influence of media it has become an ultimate necessity to fit into the society.
Posted on Mar-05-2010

734 Protein supplements for weight loss in young women
The growing epidemic of obesity found prominent amongst a number of the urban population is an alarming figure. Unlike the ancient times, when people belonging to all ages used to lead an active lifestyle, the recent times face a generation of people turning lethargic and leading sedentary lifestyles.
Posted on Feb-16-2010

713 Weight loss supplements for young women
Women belonging to different age groups are gaining weight and becoming more health conscious. A major part of this feminine population which is considerably young, get easily obese or put on a few pounds frequently due to the lethargic lifestyle that we lead these days.
Posted on Feb-10-2010

734 Do weight loss pills really help?
‘Weight Loss pill’ is a magic word for millions of people today who are suffering from low self-esteem owing to their excess body mass. Obesity is an increasing concern these days amongst a major population especially belonging to an urban setting.
Posted on Feb-08-2010

686 Nutritional Supplements: Women Found Wanting
The Bible gives us an interesting picture of a nutritional experiment in the book of Daniel, when he and his friends ended up as captives of the king of Babylon during an invasion of Israel.
Posted on Jan-18-2010

862 Dietary Supplements: Prescribed to Good Health
The world wide market for dietary supplements is growing every day as more and more people, who are deficient of nutrients and vitamins in their body, are beginning to see the positive gains and benefits of using dietary supplements as part of their daily food consumption.
Posted on Jan-11-2010

1311 Dietary Nutritional Supplements for a confident new YOU
Life in the 21st century needs to be lived; the best part of it, to the fullest. To a large extent, our lives revolve around good food, good clothes, and good times. Food, as much as the other aspects, defines life for most who can afford good food. You eat if you are happy, sad or bored, lonely and depressed.
Posted on Dec-30-2009

910 Herbal Weight Loss Supplements for a shapely new YOU
Keeping in shape and feeling fit is a serious business for some, while some others even if they care about their unshapely body or obese body do very little to turn fit. There are those who are concerned and worried about even growing a bit of flab and there are those who carry their bulky overweight frames (with a lot or little discomfort) but do little to bring the weight down or even worry about it.
Posted on Dec-18-2009

772 Nutrition Supplements – Programmed to Good Health
In today’s world, we and our lifestyles are the chief cause and culprits of most of many diseases. The major diseases the earlier centuries encountered were pandemics, and other infectious diseases like tuberculosis, small pox, malaria, etc. Deficiency of vital nutrients, vitamins, and protein in our biological system might either result in diseases or might show up as symptoms.
Posted on Dec-08-2009

1251 Green Nutrition Supplements – A natural way to good health
Look around and you will find most of the parks getting crowded with early morning joggers of all shapes, ages, and sizes. It is a happy thing to notice this change of attitude towards keeping good personal health. As much as people are flocking to the gym these days, there is also a noticeable shift in eating habits and junk food behavior too.
Posted on Dec-08-2009

834 Dietary weight-loss supplements – Should I or Shouldn’t I?
Finally parents of teeny-weeny anorexic girls can breathe easy. Girls are not going to cling to their size-zero images anymore; not even if they tried to. And that is not because they tried and failed and are trying again. But it is the other way around.
Posted on Nov-09-2009