Drake Crossland's Article in Real Estate
The Numerous Advantages of Modular Healthcare Buildings
There are so many advantages for health care professionals in putting in modular health care buildings, including a quicker build time, more consistent quality, versatility of use, and financial savings.
Posted on Jun-16-2010
What Are the Best and Worst Places to Buy Real Estate?
Although real estate as a whole has come down over the past few years, some places have better buys than others. What are the best and worst places to buy real estate?
Posted on Jun-14-2010
Using a Real Estate Broker When Buying a Home
This article discusses the reasons of whether to use a real estate broker or agency when looking to buy a home. Particular examples are given as well as some consumer tips.
Posted on May-17-2010
Commercial Modular Buildings Are a Great Time and Expenditure Reducer for Businesses
This article gives an overview of commercial modular buildings. It briefly explains the fabrication of modular buildings, their transportation to the site, and advantages of the modular building concept, which are mainly cost and time reduction.
Posted on May-04-2010
Real Estate As Both a Residence and an Investment
This article encourages buyers of residential real estate to make their purchase not only a home but also a source of income. Examples and considerations regarding this are given.
Posted on Apr-27-2010
Your Guide to Commercial Modular Buildings
If you are a small business owner, a commercial modular building can be an affordable office space solution. The following article outlines the benefits of commercial modular buildings, and how you can make this space as professional as possible.
Posted on Apr-08-2010