Drake Crossland's Article in Home Improvement
Ensuring That A Door Is Secure
This article talks about how to make a door secure. Certain door hardware can help make a door safer and bring peace of mind.
Posted on Feb-23-2011
Door Handles: A Study in Evolution
Door handles have evolved from a simple attachment to a complex mechanism incorporating a variety of features. Yet, regardless of the sophistication and advancements in door technology, door handles are always going to be a necessary and an integral part of a functional door.
Posted on Jan-31-2011
Sliding Door Hardware: Installing Bi-Fold Sliding Doors
Installing bi-fold sliding doors into your closet is not as hard as you think. Utilizing a few simple steps is all you need to do in order to become a great DIY home owner.
Posted on Jan-19-2011
Door Hardware: Is Price the Bottom Line?
Door hardware can be inexpensive if you wish to shop around for the best price, but is price the only consideration? Or do other factors such as quality, durability and safety come first?
Posted on Dec-09-2010
How Different Types of Beds Affect The Way You Sleep
A brief comparison between the most popular types of mattress and bedding materials. Different types of beds provide different levels of comfort for different people, and it's important to get a feel for what helps you, as an individual, get the most restful sleep.
Posted on Oct-28-2010