Dr.sandi Smith's Article in Reference and Education

906 Transfer of Academic Credits in a Study Abroad Program
This article provides information about the transfer of academic credit in a study abroad program.
Posted on Aug-17-2009

847 Financial Aid for Study Abroad
This article provides information about how you can get financial aid for your study abroad program.
Posted on Aug-17-2009

1411 Why Study Abroad
This article provides information about the top reasons and the benefits of why you should study abroad.
Posted on May-07-2009

1114 Development and Maintenance of Quality Study Abroad Options
This article provides information on how a study abroad office can develop and maintain quality study abroad options.
Posted on Mar-25-2009

1569 Why Cyprus for Study Abroad
This article provides information on why Cyprus is a potential study abroad location for U.S. college students.
Posted on Mar-12-2009

1422 Why not Cyprus for Study Abroad?
This article provides information on why Cyprus has previously not been a popular Study Abroad location.
Posted on Mar-03-2009