Dr. David Purves's Article in Health and Fitness

743 CBT Therapy, A Proven Anxiety Therapy and Depression Treatment, and End to Anxiety Problems
Psychological problems such as Stress, anxiety, and depression can be just as devastating as physical problems like injury or bacterial or viral infections.
Posted on Feb-16-2012

601 CBT Therapy Cures Anxiety Problems Providing the Best Anxiety Therapy and Depression Treatment
Anxiety and depression afflict millions of people around the world, negatively affecting their psychological, social, and physical health in a number of devastating ways.
Posted on Feb-14-2012

390 Cbt Therapy Is Proven The Best Depression Treatment And Anxiety Therapy
Anxiety and depression appear to be disturbingly common around the world. Some mental health experts are calling depression the plague of the 21st century, and for good reason. This condition affects millions of people all over the globe, and its effects can be devastating.
Posted on Dec-19-2011