Dinodocs's Article in Movies

1009 Dinosaur Documentaries - Kids' Picks
Starting around pre-school, many kids become fascinated with how these massive creatures dominated the earth. There are many directions to go when trying to find dinosaur documentaries to fill your child's dino fix. This list goes over some of the better educational dinosaur documentaries for kids from young toddler age to teenagers, which balance education with fun and entertainment.
Posted on Jan-05-2011

356 Dinosaur Documentaries - Some Great Collections
Many companies producing dinosaur documentaries have also released a combo-pack or collection of dinosaur documentaries. These packs have become a popular way to view and/or own a whole series on dinosaurs as opposed to individual episodes or programs. This article includes combo-packs that provide a wider range of information, are well-produced and lack a sense of repetitiveness from one DVD to the next.
Posted on Jan-05-2011