David Lauro's Article in Cooking
Special Cutlery and Cooking Tools for Waterless Cookware
In spite of the major advantages and benefits of waterless cooking, the special cutlery and cooking tools required for this new but efficient process cost much higher than those required for conventional cooking. The prices of such waterless cookware vary according to the quality of the cutlery and cooking tools for each type of waterless cooking. On an average, when you consider a complete set of waterless cooking cutlery of acceptable quality, the total cost of the various pots, pans, and othe
Posted on May-30-2010
Advantages of Waterless Cooking Compared to Conventional Cooking
In traditional cooking methods, water is used as the major cooking medium, which invariably leads to the loss of most of the vital nutrients and natural flavors that are present in the various food items. Further, the addition of vegetable oils to enhance the effect of cooking tends to boost the fat content of the food. This results in accumulation of undesirable extra calories and unhealthy fat in our bodies.
Posted on May-30-2010