David Brucee's Article in Communications

508 Mobile Phone Recycling How it Works?
Mobile phones have evolved more from an ‘object of desire’’ to the ‘object that rapidly expire’ on account of newer models that influx in the market every progressing second. Everyone is in the race of upgrading their mobile phones as soon as something better and hi-tech enters the market.
Posted on Jan-07-2011

439 Why You need to recycle mobile phones?
Today along with plastic, nuclear and chemical waste mankind is facing problem with e-waste. The main culprit of the e-waste is the mobile phones. Now the need of the time is recycling of the mobile phones. E-waste can be combined with computers and other electronic devices, but mobile phones are giving a strong competition among them.
Posted on Jan-06-2011

590 Reuse of unused mobile phones
Increasing government regulation coupled with force to reduce the environmental defects from unused mobile phones is not really a bad thing.
Posted on Jan-05-2011

492 Cash out of unused mobile phones
Disposal of electronic devices like mobile phones are becoming a larger problem every day. In this wireless technological world, electronic devices like mobile phones
Posted on Jan-05-2011

607 Importance of recycling mobile phones
Every journey needs a start. Now let us keep our first step to the journey of recycling mobile phones. Here comes the need of recycling the unused mobile phones.
Posted on Jan-05-2011

595 Need of recycling old mobile phones
Mobile phone recycling is necessary in this current technological world. There arise a question why recycling is needed. There is lots of answer to this question.
Posted on Dec-15-2010

692 Extract Minerals from your old mobile phones
It is better to recycle an unwanted or old cell phone, rather than collecting or preserving it. But generally, people don’t recycle their mobiles.
Posted on Oct-02-2010

746 Earn Cash from Old and Unwanted Mobiles
Selling old cell phones is far better than saving it at home or disposing away, which in any means may pollute the environment.
Posted on Oct-02-2010

548 Sell Mobile Phones and Help Mobile Phone Recycling
Mobile Phones, are needless to say, one of the most overrated and overused instrument by almost all people in the major commercially significant places in the world.
Posted on Sep-23-2010

580 Why Recycle Your Mobile Phones?
Once upon a time, food, shelter and clothing were the three basic needs of an average man. However, with the advent of new technologies and digital innovations the “basic need” scenario has undergone a vast makeover and there are a few more things that a commonest to the most important man cannot do without.
Posted on Sep-15-2010

586 Mobile Phone Recycling Curb Dangerous Waste Accumulation
Even kids these days are aware of the significance of recycling and why it suddenly has become the need of the hour with every other object of utility lying around us.
Posted on Sep-01-2010