3 Steps to a More Joyful (Work) Day by Hemalayaa Behl
I truly believe that a healthy mind and body, and a joyous life flow from an open heart. I help myself and my students go on a joyous and playful journey of yoga and dance to help discover our inner joy. I am excited to share with the members of Club Asteria my 3-step fun routine to bringing a joy in to your life (quickly).
Posted on Feb-11-2012
12 experts on the challenges facing thought leadership in 2012
I posed four questions about thought leadership to 12 people who I consider to be leading global commentators on the topic and I have summarized their views as best I can in this short piece.
Posted on Feb-07-2012
How to catch the time thief and get more done by Natalie Sisson
As entrepreneurs, we often think we can work miracles in the space of 24 hours. Looking at your long to-do list of critical items for this week, you probably realize you are not going to achieve half of it. Club Asteria Thought Leader and suitcase entrepreneur Natalie Sisson shares her time management tips.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
Aging Gracefully by Pamela Holtzman
The middle-age and older population of the world is growing very rapidly. In the coming years they will represent nearly half of the population. Club Asteria Thought Leader Pamela Holtzman shares her tips on how to live a long happy life.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
10 simple ways to motivate yourself and others in 2012
How happy and significant do you want to be in 2012? How about being an inspiring partner, parent, boss… radiating positive energy to people around you? Here are 10 easy and ‘natural’ ways to make this happen.
Posted on Feb-06-2012
Nothing is Impossible
Former “pack a day smoker” Ray Zahab set out on an epic expedition to cross the Sahara Desert by foot. So began a journey of discovery - of learning that some of the largest barriers to success are the ones we put upon ourselves.
Posted on Feb-01-2012
Qualities and Characteristics of the Best Dog Training Book
Are you having a hard time with your pet dog that seems to just chew everything around it apart from misbehaving with your guests and other dogs?
Posted on Oct-19-2011
Dog Books - Their Necessity and Method of Choosing
Dog books can be quite useful in training your dog. The books will give you a better understanding of the dog and its behavior. This way, when teaching your dog you will use techniques and commands that it’ll understand.
Posted on Oct-19-2011
Dog Books Fiction for Young Adults
There isn’t a healthier fashion to touch the sentiments and logic of quest of a young reader than with a dog-themed fiction. Below are some of the best works presented in this genre.
Posted on Oct-19-2011
Best science fiction books
This is one dubious question that everyone wants to ask on Google, which is the best sci-fi book of all time. This isn’t really as simple as a movie where ‘Citizen Kane’ would proclaim the award every time.
Posted on Jun-06-2011
Top 10 romantic novels of all time
There is a side of Paulo Coelho that is exotic, sexual, dark and daring.
Posted on May-18-2011
Future of Book publishing and how to self publish a book
No one would have believed in the early years of 21st century that publishing world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own.
Posted on May-17-2011
TermWiki and Higher Education
There are several reasons why collaborative learning in higher education deserves more attention than it is getting. The benefits of are numerous, with facilitating creativity, knowledge sharing and teamwork just a few of the gains.
Posted on Mar-11-2011
TermWiki versus Wikipedia
For those of us interested in collaborative knowledge development, the fast development of TermWiki is impressive.
Posted on Feb-08-2011
TermWiki Site to Watch in 2011
TermWiki.com, a multilingual dictionary platform, recently surpassed 500,000 terms in over 150 industries, making it one of the fastest-growing sites on the Internet (based on Alexa traffic rankings).
Posted on Jan-10-2011
Nursing Shortage in Health Care Industry
In December 2009, workforce analysts with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projected that more than 581,500 new registered nurse positions would be created through 2018, which would increase the size of the RN workforce by a whopping 22 percent.
Posted on Oct-08-2010