Daniel Higgins's Article in Small Business

1365 Top tips for reducing your gas bill
Keeping your gas bills down has become increasingly difficult over recent years with gas prices rises dramatically.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1947 Having trouble paying your energy bills? The government can help
Thanks to increases in gas and electricity rates, UK households are now paying an average of more than 1000GBP per year on the utility bills.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1544 How to switch electricity suppliers
More British energy consumers are choosing to switch their electricity supplies than ever before.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1734 Finding low energy electric appliances for your home
Due to the huge leap in the number of consumer electronic products bought for use in our homes over recent decades, energy consumption has risen dramatically.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1217 Your guide to the new energy efficiency labels
When you go shopping for any electrical items or white goods like fridges, freezers, dishwashers and microwaves, you will see that all are now labelled with energy efficiency ratings of some kind.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1430 How Smart Meters will change our home energy use forever
The UK is now joining with the whole of Europe in changing the way that our gas and electricity is monitored.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1369 Heating your home: radiators
Radiators are actually somewhat mis-titled. The majority o the heat that comes from your radiator system is delivered via convection rather than radiating straight out into the room.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1753 The Smart Meter revolution
The European Parliament has announced that all existing electricity and gas meters are to be phased out and replaced with more high-tech Smart Meters.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1977 Ways to reduce your electricity usage – electronic power controlling devices
Energy efficiency is now a hot topic, and with so many of us relying on electrical equipment around the home now is a good time to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
Posted on Jul-09-2009

1994 Household utilities the greener way
We all know that the process of heating and powering our homes with gas and electricity is damaging to the environment, but what can we do to help
Posted on Jul-09-2009