Daljeet Sidhu's Article in Loans

786 Business Cash Advance Lenders Steps in During Recession to Save Merchants With Easy Loans
The global credit crisis has seen banks struggling with cash deficit. Small businesses have obviously been badly hit with lower sales and difficult loan approvals from banks. The Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) industry has saved many small businesses by providing loans that are approved based on the future performance of the business rather than its current financial situation.
Posted on Dec-02-2009

791 Merchant Cash Advance - No Collateral Required! Certainly a Plus for Getting a Business Loan
Loans and collateral have always gone hand in hand. Collateral provide some security to the lender. If the debtor fails to pay the debt or absconds, the lender still has some asset of the debtor in hand. Business Cash Advance is different. You do not need to pledge collateral to be approved for the loan.
Posted on Nov-14-2009

615 Merchant Cash Advance - Considering an SBA Loan? MCA May be a Better Choice in a Tough Economy
SBA loan has been the traditional source of funding for small businesses. However, in this tough economic environment, even the SBA loans have dried up considerably or the loan rates have risen appreciably to be almost as high as that of a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA). Quick approval and similar rates has made an MCA a compelling option for all businesses that accept credit cards.
Posted on Nov-10-2009

669 Merchant Cash Advance - Great Option if Facing Difficulty Securing a Traditional Loan
Merchant cash advance or business cash advance is perfect for business owners that have difficulty securing traditional business loans or funding. Businesses that are starting up or do not have regular cash flow cannot guarantee regular payments. Unlike loans, merchant cash advance is not repaid with monthly installments on fixed dates and is easier to get approved.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

691 How Does a Business Cash Advance Compare to a Conventional Bank Loan and Is it Better for You?
The current economic crisis is bringing about a great change in the preferences for business financing sources. Merchant cash advance providers have risen to the occasion in the economic crunch to help struggling businesses while traditional banks are either closing themselves down or refusing loans. However, the economic slowdown is not the only reason merchant cash advance providers are thriving today. They are offering services that are much more business-friendly.
Posted on Nov-03-2009

692 Merchant Cash Advance and Small Business Loan Options for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
Getting the right business funding is critical for business owners to establish, renovate or expand their business. One can have an array of choices for raising the capital necessary for running and growing a business. However not all loans are suitable for every business owner. The key then is to evaluate your business situation and then approach suitable lenders. This articles lists out various options available to a small business owner.
Posted on Oct-28-2009