Cruz Styron's Article in Reference and Education

957 Fun and Practical Uses for Novelty Diplomas
Having a real diploma is a big accomplishment. A diploma is proof that a person graduated from high school, graduated from college or that they got their GED or PhD.
Posted on Dec-12-2012

1010 Fake Degrees for Novelty Use
While no one respects a person who tries to get a job using a fake degree, having the proof of a fake degree, or a fake diploma, can be an amusing and novel way to decorate or trick your friends and coworkers.
Posted on Dec-12-2012

968 Fake College Diploma
So your mother was a brain surgeon and your father was the most prestigious lawyer in New York City. You're just happy you passed English 101 after sleeping through every class except the final.
Posted on Aug-23-2012

1173 Diplomas, Degrees, Transcripts R' Us?
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep track of the important papers and documents you collect throughout your lifetime? Early in life, you get your social security card followed by your high school diploma.
Posted on Aug-19-2012

845 Fake College Transcript
For over a decade consumers have been able to receive some of the most realistic copies of college transcripts and diplomas from DiplomaMakers.
Posted on Aug-18-2012