Coverdale Walker's Article in Beauty

363 Self Tanner - The Golden Formula For Beautiful Skin!
Do you want to add a beautiful tint to your complexion without exposing yourself to the harmful effects of the sun's ultra-violet rays?
Posted on Oct-19-2010

540 UV Free Tanning With Self Tanner
The Sun does not have much of a role to play these days when it comes to tanning. Gone are the days when a person needed to bask in the sun to get that beautiful tan. Now with the advent of the self tanner, sunless tanning has become a reality.
Posted on Oct-19-2010

463 Self Tanner Products For Beautiful Sunless Tan
Do you love a beautiful bronzed skin? If yes, then self tanner products are the perfect option. These tanning products do not require sunlight for creating a tanned look.
Posted on Oct-17-2010