How to Increase Your Law Firm Profits Over 30 Percent
Are you properly differentiating your practice in the marketplace? Are you tying in a targeted value proposition coupled with an irresistible offer? Are you leveraging all of your existing assets by maximizing the value of your networks, utilizing strategic partners and relationships? Most importantly, are you properly serving your existing clients?
Maintaining loyal clients will do more to increase your bottom line than any marketing, PR or advertising campaign. Client focused retention an
Posted on Nov-14-2010
Are You Prepared for Legal Marketing Success?
Legal marketing success begins with seven basic principles. They are purpose, programming, planning, participation, persistence, patience and perceptiveness. The difference between people who succeed in hard times, and those that fall short, is how they think and how well they adapt to a changing market. Learn the 7 Principles and you’ll be prepared for legal marketing success. You’ll create, blossom and grow, even in a challenging economy, as you’ll attract and retain all sorts of clients and
Posted on Oct-10-2010
3 Legal Marketing Steps to Building a Profitable Law Practice
The law, like accounting, medicine, engineering, or any other enterprise, is a business. Having an easy and workable system to get and keep profitable clients is the key which will determine your overall success and impact. For those of you who want to have a balanced and comfortable life, one filled with financial and personal freedom, and the time to do the things you want to do, you must have a steady stream of new and existing clients.
Posted on Oct-10-2010
Become a Legal Rainmaker
The fact is that law, like accounting, medicine, engineering, or any other enterprise is a business. And businesses exist to make money. Your chances of sustained success are still dependent on your legal marketing and rainmaking skills. If you want independence and control over your life, as well as more money, friends, influence, freedom, and security then the answer is clear. You have to become a rainmaker!
Posted on Oct-10-2010
Legal Marketing - Why Don't Law Schools Teach Relationship-Marketing?
Despite the fact that every attorney needs to know how to market their law practice, law schools are not teaching students this highly valuable skill. Law school graduates are having a difficult time finding work. No matter where you are in your career, whether you want a new job or more clients, the two most important skills needed to succeed in today’s legal market is “marketing” and “building relationships”.
Posted on Oct-10-2010
Legal Marketing: 8 Steps to Successful Marketing for Attorneys
With over 1 million lawyers in the United States alone, competition is fierce. If you really want to succeed in today’s environment, you have to become knowledgeable about legal marketing and client acquisition. It’s the only way you’ll be in complete control of your professional destiny. The reason the majority of us dislike attorney marketing is that we were never taught how to do it in a professional and personally fulfilling way. In this article you will discover eight ways to overcome the
Posted on Aug-18-2010