Do Not Consider Yourself Too Important
There are two stories. The first story: John has grown a beard for many years, suddenly he was ready to shave the beard, but he had some hesitation: How will friends and colleagues think of me, will they make fun of me? After several days of deliberation, he finally determined to leave only the mustache.
Posted on Jan-04-2012
The Reason That Make Yourself Strong
One day, I think I will become crueler and crueler with my own growth and experience, even become cold and ignored. I do not know how do those experienced people train, but definitely not the kind can be accomplished.
Posted on Dec-06-2011
I Prefer to Be a Piece of Green Leaf
In winter season, everything has gone through a cycle. The color of life becomes yellow from green. Looking at pieces of dead leaves fluttering in the wind, I cannot help sighing. Although the leaves falling, life still can be conceived. And it is nurtured in the growth of branches. Perhaps this is the true meaning of life. Only after suffering, it can grow. Although loss is painful, life has been a distillation of happiness.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
The Distance between Dreams and Reality
I do not know if you have not heard of the case: the distance between dreams and reality is that our metal approach… Psychological factors will shape our lives and I always think is this good or bad? But I understand one of the most brutal truths: we cannot get away from our psychology and we cannot get away from it for our dominant.
Posted on Nov-24-2011
Sometimes Dream Is a Gold Mine
Sometimes, we all image what is dream. The Result of this quest is that: originally dream is always a gold mine yet to be discovered and opened.
Posted on Nov-17-2011
Do Not Care too much about yourself
Sometimes we are not unhappy, but we care too much. So we always feel much tormented. In fact, when we look back and are aware that what we lose is caused by we not cherish. You would rather complain than asking yourself to review your own, maybe you will feel better.
Posted on Nov-16-2011
To Believe or Not to Believe
A ship was sailing on the vast sea. A black boy who worked at end of the ship fell into the sea and the boy shouted for help. But the wind was too huge, so the people in the boat could not hear the sound. He only could see the ship sailed further and further.
Posted on Nov-10-2011
Tears Not Means Broken Heart
I don’t know whether I want to own too much or whether I take care about a lot of things. I fallen tears many times for you in the cyber love. Regrettably, our relationship still could not go on. I chose to give up because of I was too tired and minded. Your silence made me sad and disappointed. Maybe we are too simplistic and selfish to each other. We always think that if we pay the same care for each other, we can get the same responding.
Posted on Nov-07-2011
A Tragic Angel
It was an early evening and the cold wind below among the streets; I was on the way to my home. In my rental house, I felt disconsolate and solitude. In a long time, I was a listener for my friends, but now I need to find a people to confide my feeling. I don’t know why there are much resentment between doctors and nurses in the hospital. In the school, I heard that the relationship in clinical medicine was very complicated. At that time, I was unwilling to believe that, but now I totally believ
Posted on Nov-04-2011
To Find the Entrance for Life
An old Buddhist monk asked a young monk: “if you walked forward a step, you will die. But you take a step back, you will die too. How can you choose your path?” the young monk thought over and over, but still had no answer. The old monk smiled to him: “you can walk beside.” The young monk suddenly saw the light. We often encounter the plights what the old monk said in our life. Facing the hard time, we can only like an animal which was trapped in the carriage to shout. At this point, we can walk
Posted on Nov-04-2011
How to Zazen
The aim to zazen is to meditate. It is easy to zazen, but how to get the meditation is another thing. I am lucky man, because I can meditate immediately. It is that that this kind of lucky nature has some unfortunate qualities: “gullible, solitary, preoccupied. For example: I was focusing on something (cooking, writing, reading, dreaming, watching TV), if you asked me to do one thing, maybe I will promised quickly. But after, I will never bring to mind.
Posted on Nov-04-2011
Suffering is Not the Catalyst to the Life
I was consulting to the doctor of my relative’s illness in the hospital. The doctor said: “all the patients who accept the treatment here suffered the accidents before.” Out of the hospital, I can’t help myself to laugh. I received the education before was that the disaster will simulate people’s encourage. But now why the people became weak after they suffered the huge disaster? Is it right?
Posted on Oct-26-2011
How to Learn to Turn in the Life
Christopher reeve was famous for the film of superman in the international movie stage. But an accident totally changed his life in May 1995, he fallen down from the house and lost the right of walking forever. In people’s eyes, he was the superman and a tough guy, but just one night he became a man who needed to rely on the wheel chair to move. When he wakened up from coma, the first sentence to his family was:” let me out of the painfulness!” in order to appease his pain of physical and mental
Posted on Oct-22-2011
When the Love has No Sense of the Security
One night, I had a gathering with my best friends. They are handsome boys or the beautiful ladies expect for me. One of the handsome boys said:” we are too confident, so we not really try to operate our emotion.” Operating emotions means that we know that the emotion is not only the destiny. When there are some problems, when need to solve them right now. So the emotion could experience barriers one by one, at the end we can get the high quality and steady emotion.
Posted on Oct-21-2011
Simple is A Key in the Life
A few years ago, I had been to Africa to see the wild animal. I found a phenomenon that there are some parts of animals are stranger than us. Why I say that? Here are some things could explain my ideas.
Posted on Oct-19-2011
The Secret of Staying Aloof from the Affairs
The aims of the world conflicts are to get the wealth or the doctrine. We looked them very heavily when we are steeped to the lips in conflictions. If we use the vision of Robinson to see the things, we will find that the material products and the spirits what we really want are limited. The pure life always includes the true meaning of the world. The competitions of the world always focus on the pursuing of the material wealth.
Posted on Oct-19-2011
To Bow Three Times to the Criminal
The court was judging a kidnapping case. The accused person was a 30 years old man who kidnapped a little boy. The little boy was the son of his boss.
Posted on Oct-18-2011
Do You Love Me
As a young woman who just received the messages of work and junk massages, one day she got the message from a successful man. Her heart pulsed like a fawn, but that message just a salutation. “Do you love me?” this question appeared in her mind. What a connotative question is!
Posted on Oct-13-2011
The Apple Changes Our World
Someone said that the biggest differences in the world are the four bags of apples and iPhone4. When I heard about these words first time, I smiled and then I admired. There are two famous apples in the world. The first one let Newton know the Law of Gravity, and pushed the development of the physical mechanics. The second apple is created by Steven Jobs, it make the electronic products reach a new height. These two apples are too important to us.
Posted on Oct-12-2011
The Usual Mind is so Important in Our Life
The usual mind is so important to us in our life. No matter the life, work, family or the health, we cannot leave it. My neighbor was a director in the power supply bureau, but he retired two years ago. Two days ago, I heard he died. He was only 62 years old; it made people so sympathetic and sad.
Posted on Oct-11-2011
Appreciation Is the Essential Quality to Human Body
When you enter into the art gallery to scan the various pieces of work, your heart will be touched; as you watch the pictures of beautiful scenery, you will feel a kind of happiness; while you go out for travelling, you will be relaxed and exciting to see so many interesting things…… All these feelings are brought by appreciation, which can be compared to a cup of cool tea when you are thirsty to make you feel refreshing.
Posted on Aug-19-2011