Christy Thompson's Article in Debt Consolidation

1411 Chandler Bankruptcy Tips - Do I Pay My Credit Cards or File Bankruptcy?
I get that question more often in January than any other time of year. And in large part because we’ve just gone through a big holiday, a holiday that typically a lot of Americans spend quite a bit on. And, unfortunately, you may not have realized or been aware of how much you have really spent. And then comes January, that month where you want to make all your resolutions and get back on your financial feet. And here are all these bills that are coming in.
Posted on Feb-28-2011

1369 Chandler Bankruptcy Tips - Can I Keep My Tax Refund and Still File Bankruptcy?
A lot of people don’t know this. But the bankruptcy court and the U.S. trustee who acts as a referee in your bankruptcy is actually paid by tax refunds. And where do they get those tax refunds? They get them from people who file. So if you anticipate getting a tax refund, you may want to wait and obtain your tax refund and spend it on things you need. Maybe you need to make a car payment. So go ahead and make that car payment.
Posted on Feb-28-2011

1282 Chandler Bankruptcy Tips - Do I Have to File with My Spouse?
Here in Arizona, we’re a community property state. Unlike a lot of other states is that, when husband and wife are married, their incomes become joint. Also, we’re entitled to half of each other’s debt. So when I get married and I open that credit card up and I start charging on it, even though he’s not using any of the things that I’m buying on the credit card or maybe they’re not even for our house or anything that we share together, he still owns half that debt.
Posted on Feb-28-2011

1345 Chandler Bankruptcy Tips - Can I Keep My Credit Card in Bankruptcy?
You know, when you’re filing bankruptcy, you have an obligation that’s enforced by the bankruptcy court to list every single creditor. Now, if you have a balance on that credit card, that balance will be discharged. However, the credit card will also go away. And for a lot of people, that’s a scary place to be. They don’t really want to let go of, say, that one trusty credit card that they use for those unexpected gas trips and emergency this or that. And that really worries them.
Posted on Feb-28-2011

1154 How do I know if I qualify for a Chapter 13?
Well, the first thing you’re going to ask yourself is are there things that you want to hold onto? Meaning, are you considering keeping your house? Are you behind on your car? And the biggest issue is going to be, how much money do you make? And so if you have a...
Posted on Dec-02-2010

1242 Can a Chapter 13 help my credit report?
People worry about credit and bankruptcy all the time, and I have so many clients who feel that they’re just going to be devastated forever by a bankruptcy. In Chapter 13, unlike Chapter 7, you’re...
Posted on Dec-02-2010

905 Why would I want to file a Chapter 13? How can it help me?
You know, there’s so much talk about that. And Chapter 13 has really gotten a bad name. So many people want to file a Chapter 7, but a lot of people don’t qualify. The limitations on Chapter 7 are very severe. So, say for example...
Posted on Dec-02-2010

1017 The Truth about Bankruptcy, 3 Common Myths
Bankruptcy questions answered. First, is it true that bankruptcy is dishonest? Next, is it true that I’ll lose all of my property in a bankruptcy? And finally, is it true that I cannot own anything after bankruptcy?
Posted on Oct-17-2010

1174 Bankruptcy - Can taxes be eliminated, Do I have to be broke to file bankruptcy
Bankruptcy myths explained. Is it true that taxes cannot be eliminated in bankruptcy? Must I be broke to file bankruptcy?
Posted on Oct-17-2010

1127 Bankruptcy - Can you re-establish credit and get rid of all debt.
Bankruptcy questions answered. Bankruptcy, can you re-establish credit and get rid of all debt.
Posted on Oct-17-2010

980 Bankruptcy truth about hiding property, losing your job and filing multiple times.
Bankruptcy questions answered. Is it true that I can protect my property by hiding it or giving it away before I file bankruptcy? Is it true that I will lose my job if I file bankruptcy? Is it true that, if I filed for bankruptcy before, I can’t file again?
Posted on Oct-17-2010

951 What Can I Do To Stop Creditors from Contacting Me
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Christy Thompson explains what you can do to stop creditors from contacting you.
Posted on Sep-20-2010

808 What Can I Expect If I Don't Pay My Bills
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Christy Thompson describes what you can expect if you don't pay your bills.
Posted on Sep-20-2010

814 What Relief Can I Get From Creditors in Bankruptcy
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Christy Thompson shares what relief you can get from creditors if you file bankruptcy.
Posted on Sep-20-2010

976 How Do I Stop Creditors Harassment
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Christy Thompson describes how you can stop creditors from harassing you.
Posted on Sep-20-2010

816 Free Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Advice – Will The Court Take My Savings
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer offers help for you. In today’s economy people of all financial backgrounds are looking for help. If you have a lot in savings, but it’s not quite enough to pay off your creditors, you may be asking yourself, “If I file bankruptcy, will the court take my savings?” Discover how to use your savings to your best advantage.
Posted on Jul-11-2010

636 Free Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Advice – Bankruptcy and Your Car
A good Phoenix bankruptcy lawyer can give valuable advice when it comes to bankruptcy and your vehicle. In this article we will talk about how filing bankruptcy in Arizona can affect you and your household vehicles.
Posted on Jul-11-2010

717 Free Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer Advice – Do You Really Need A Lawyer
Every Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer hears this question all the time and it is debated all the time. So let’s get right to the heart of the matter. . And that is… do I really need a lawyer to file bankruptcy? Here’s the short answer
Posted on Jul-11-2010

801 Free Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Advice – How Bankruptcy Affects Your Home and Foreclosure
Every Phoenix bankruptcy lawyer hears it and they are often asked about how filing for bankruptcy affects your home and foreclosure. Let’s take a look at the question, in the state of Arizona, will filing bankruptcy stop a foreclosure?
Posted on Jul-11-2010

637 Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer – Can I File Bankruptcy If I Make A Lot Of Money
Just about every Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer has heard it before and it’s nothing new. Can I file for bankruptcy even if I make a lot of money? In this article the answer may surprise you.
Posted on Jul-08-2010

740 Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer – Is Bankruptcy Good or Bad
An Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer here’s it a lot, the age old question about bankruptcy. Is bankruptcy good or bad? Depending on who you talk to you will here both sides and some people say bankruptcy is good and others say bankruptcy is bad. Here is why we think it is good.
Posted on Jul-08-2010