Chris Ventini's Article in Health and Fitness

597 Learning about Andropause
Reduction in testosterone levels in men cause a health condition known as Andropause. This condition may lead to many adverse side effects sexually like decrease in libido levels, loss of potency and other health related issues like depression, memory loss, fatigue and sweating.
Posted on Sep-08-2010

348 Reviewing Pycnogenol Eye Gel With Green Tea Extract By Derma E
Those looking to reduce puffiness around their eyes and firm up their skin have to sort through dozens of all natural products. The difficulty is finding natural skin care products that work and don’t irritate your eye.
Posted on May-05-2010

489 Rays of hope for Golden Tan Sunless Tanning Lotion by Alba Botanica
It would be lovely to have the time to go out and get a natural, golden tan. Of course, it would also be nice if the sun’s rays didn’t cause sunburns or aging of the skin. However, since the world is not full or time nor is the sun free of all harmful rays, natural sunless tanning products have sprung up to fill the gap.
Posted on May-03-2010

589 A Review Of Aloe Vera SPF 15 Sunscreen By Alba Botanica
Finding good sun protection is important for the long term health of your skin. You don’t want to grow up and get skin cancer or have an unhealthy and unflattering leathery complexion. Thus, you want to find a sunscreen that is easy to use and that you enjoy making a part of your going outside rituals.
Posted on Apr-29-2010

361 Is Derma E’s DMAE Alpha-Lipoic-C-Ester Retexturizing Crème Worth A Try?
When it comes to skin care, there are hundreds of products on the market. Some of them are decidedly more effective than others! To help you allocate your skincare budget, team reviewed on the the top selling natural skin care products
Posted on Apr-14-2010