Chris Swiss's Article in Investing

640 Suisse Gold - The Best Gold Bars in The World
Suisse gold bars, as the name suggests, are gold bullion bar products that are manufactured in Switzerland. Also known as ‘Swiss’ gold, these bars are some of the finest, purest and most beautiful gold bullion products minted in the world.
Posted on Oct-06-2010

582 Credit Suisse Gold Bars - 5 Reasons The Bank Says Buy
In a June 2010 report released by Credit Suisse Bank of Switzerland, 8 reasons are presented that support a continuation of gold’s upward price trend in the year’s ahead. Three of the reasons are rather technical but the other five are tangible and give a good perspective on the current economic outlook and the role gold will play. This article summarises those 5 reasons.
Posted on Aug-18-2010