Chris Jensenn's Article in Marketing
Why Name Tags?
Have you ever wondered why is it that almost every retail store has their employees wearing name tags? The answer’s simple! It’s easier for people to open up to people, when they know them by their names. Once you know a person by his name, you are reassured that the Sarah or Joe that you are speaking to, is there to listen to you and help you out.
Posted on Jul-08-2010
Name tag- It is all about whom you are
I would say you are the luckiest person if you are wearing a unique name tag with a touch of creativity. Of course it is absolutely true. In work places, among those bunch of busy people from all parts of the world this is the small rectangular thing that makes you all the difference.
Posted on Jul-07-2010
Name Tags: Branding Yourself with Your Identity
Name tags are used commonly in many social and commercial events where you proclaim that you belong to a certain organization or group through them. They are easily your gateway to getting some productive recognition if your motive is to promote your product or service.
Posted on Jul-07-2010
Name Tags: Self Promotional Labels
A name is something a person owns in his own right. It is something that is meant to be his identity as a person. In our social lives, we don’t don name tags because we are used to communicating informally and disclosing our names at our own will.
Posted on Jul-07-2010